Friday, November 23, 2012

(SPOILER ALERT) Progress update on Midnight Pines - 23/11/2012

Hello, welcome back to Across The Map!

Today. I decided to do a recap about what's been added to Slab Search #1 - Midnight Pines, because a fair bit has changed.

First, the second dungeon is (mostly) complete. The name I chose for it is: Shadowthorn Cavern!
Here are some photos:
(WARNING: if you plan on playing the map and don't want spoilers, skip forward until you see bright green text. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

 Woo! big, empty anti-spoilers blank space for the win!

This is Shadowthorn cavern. Yeah, looks ominous, eh? I left you a blaze spawner, too.

One of my favorite views of the main area.

So, there are two ways to go about beating this area. Either you can use the sand ribbons to avoid most of the spawners, but risk being knocked off or having them get destroyed, or you can just fight off all the monsters and knock out the spawners to begin with. I did try to reward combat with a random loot box chamber and whatnot. The design was that you would miss the loot if you just ran through to ditch the spawners.

This is our random loot box. Like my fancy text? You can't see it in this screenshot, but the gibberish does randomly flash. (Note: night vision was used in this screenshot.)

This is the "boss room".  These are what I call short-fuse creepers. They have a shorter than normal fuse time, but they spawn with four and a half hearts. Their explosion radius is what I believe to be smaller than a normal charged creeper, but they can still knock you down to half your health on normal difficulty, and even while wearing really strong armor.

If you are in your own map and you see this, you know you're brutal.

Anyways, this is the Slab Cube of the dungeon.

If you wonder where the light's coming from, this is where. I thought it'd look cool if I put lava fall lighting/decorations in

Back at the surface, we have some new hills to see.

Okay! You can keep reading now!
(If you don't mind seeing insignificant hills near the spawn.)

Next up, we have Mt. Sparrow. It is a reference to the "Chicken and Cobra structure" in AntVenom's Hunt for the Golden Apple world seed, and is therefore dedicated to him. 

I made this one just this morning. On top are some ruins.

(SPOILER) It kind of indicates the presence of the dungeon (Frostbight Temple) below it.
Lore-wise, this was once the entrance to the ancient ruin, which is still in perfect condition. (That is, until you show up and trigger the bomb trap planted by later inhabitants of the area.

Fact: in the earlier days of the map, the entrance to Frostbight Temple used to get destroyed by the proximity bomb? As of Cheffoo's first play test, the room is now reenforced with obsidian, and the Slab Cube room was also guarded with bedrock to prevent tunnelers from skipping combat.

Impromptu bonus screenshot of the day!
The other day, a spider jockey spawned from a spider spawner in Shadowthorn Cavern while I was showing Fire_Cat2000 around the place. When we came back a few moments later, this is what we saw:

 (Also notice the confused spider in the background.)

My caption: A ghost jockey! everybody RUN! 
Fire_Cat2000's caption: um... sir?

The skeleton was actually invincible, and we think it was a ghost skeleton.
What I think caused it was: the spider despawned, glitching the skeleton like this.

Moving on. If I haven't shown this off yet, we have a new basin-hill thing. There are some coal veins, but they're unintentionally hard to find in the snow. Sorry! :(

This pleasant little glowstone water spring is relatively new, too.

Well, that's all I can think of to show you guys for now. I'll try not to spoil too much in the future, but I couldn't resist showing it off this time.
As always, comments are appreciated, ant thanks for stopping by!
See you all next time. Until then!



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