Tuesday, November 13, 2012

N8's test world - Porkbone airlines

Hello everyone, welcome back to my test world. Today, I am going to talk about a player launcher I built, but suffers from a weird bug. I call it the porkbone airlines, because it uses both skeletons and pigs to, well... glitch the player.

The launcher

There are two spawners under the main platform. Both have location data assigned to them, so the mobs teleport to their necessary locations. Behind the end stone is where the skeletons teleport to, and the pigs teleport right in front of it. There is also a pig cage to limit the spawner from spawning too many pigs.

A skeleton inside the skeleton cage. They are armed with punch 100 bows, and are only revealed when the launch button is pushed.

I use pigs because they can be ridden by players, and they receive the punch effect better than players. In other words, they fly further.

How the device works is: the player presses the splash button to become immune to literally all damage sources. Then, the pig will eventually spawn. once it does, the player can mount it. When they're ready, pushing the launch button will cause some sticky pistons to retract, pulling the end stone out of the way of the skeleton cage. The skeletons will shoot the pig, and send it and its rider flying great distances.

This device isn't coming to Slab Search, because like I said, it suffers from a bad bug, and there's no effective way around it. You don't have to use the pig, but if you don't use the pig, you achieve little distance. Giving less powerful bows to the skeletons may help, but also weakens the device's strength, but I digress.

The bug is: when the pig gets launched, you appear(?) to just fall through the ground which, turns visually transparent upon launch. If you survive the fall damage, you will clip the ground and fall into the void, which even without a resistance 4 potion, doesn't hurt you like normal, though you do register as being in it.

When you clip the ground, you get a strange view above you.

A screenshot taken from 3rd person camera, after falling for a little while.

Hey, Jeb? what's that? Is that the sun?

If you don't survive the fall, you will appear at the correct place, but you're dead, and the ground flickers, along with other graphical errors.

Update: I just entered my test world to check an aspect of the glitchiness, and it turns out that, if you reload the world, you will show up on solid ground, where you were supposed to land, unharmed. Also, I found my pigs from my previous launches, and a cannonball sheep, one of my older experiments.

It does work, but I'm not sure about implementing it in a map yet, because if you are playing on LAN with someone, the reloads could be annoying for them. I hope these get fixed soon. If so, coming soon to Slab Search!

That's it for now! As always, feedback is appreciated, and thanks for stopping by! See you all next post. Until then!



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