Monday, November 5, 2012

The Death Strike

It's been a few days since I last did a post, so I thought I'd do a quick post on something new I made in my test world.

Introducing... the Death Strike! Death to anything it hits, guaranteed!
Does not work on witches. Batteries not included.
(Sorry. Had to do that.)

Here's a screenshot showing its effects.

I almost forgot! This is the contents of the chest these things come in.

Death strikes even work on undead! Here's another screenshot to prove it.

This potion can actually one-hit a wither if it's used right.
Problem, big guy?

Okay, now I'm going to talk about how I could use it in a map.

Death Strikes are probably going to be quite rare, or at least hard to find.  They are meant to be used if the player finds his/herself in a situation that's just getting out of hand i.e. being swarmed by a lot of  enemies, or if there's a lot of mobs you simply wanna get rid of. If you do find some, be sure to put them to good use.

This concludes today's post! Sorry this post was so short.
Well, I'll see you all next post. Until then!



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