Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tour of our Survival server

Welcome back to another world tour! Today, I will be giving a tour of the world that runs on our server.

Here we are at the spawnpoint. Through that archway is Bluesun Village. That is where I will be spending most of this tour.

This is the community center. It is mostly complete, but it needs decorating. I'll get Fire_Cat to do that later.

My idea with the community center is to have a place where friends can meet, and just chill out. Upstairs will be some chests, where you can donate things you don't need, and pick up things you do need.



Across the street is The Stronghold blacksmith. This is Cheffoo's shop. When Fire_Cat2000 and I built this shop, we chose the stronghold theme because Cheffoo likes the underground.

Down there is our mine. No huge caves, but we have found some decent diamond veins, and slimes!

Oh, yeah, and I once fought a spider jockey down there, and won! This is a photo I caught of it.

Moving on, we will be heading past this jungle tree, which is kinda small for its type. We have some places to cover there.

This is Hot Spring Hotel. It has six rooms, and is intended for players to be able to stay here while they have nowhere else to go (e.g. if their house is still being built).

                             The lobby

Most rooms look the same, so here's an example of an average room.

A view from room #6's balcony at night. Beautiful!

Moving on, this is my friend, Lgamerross' house. Out back is the lake that can be seen from the hotel. Great choice of location, dude!
His house kinda reminds me of an Indev house. For those of you who don't know what that is, an Indev house is a small wooden plank house that would generate around the player when they spawned into the world in Minecraft Indev, an old pre-Alpha development stage. They were removed from the game in the next development stage, Infdev.

Cool! So, the next several locations are up the hill by the mine.

 Up here is our house. I live with Cheffoo and Fire_Cat2000.
Here's a photo of me looking at our house Fire_Cat2000 gave me. Good shot, my friend! 

Behind me here is Sky resources, up on the mountain top. Fore those of you who didn't see the post where I briefly mentioned Sky resources, this is Fire_Cat's shop. She sells natural things from the surface. She has quite a beautiful orchard out back, where she spends time cutting trees for wood to sell at her shop and what-not.

Back down the hill, this is my shop, Neptune inc. I do building projects for people, and sell building blocks.
Fun fact: did you know the cliff my shop is on is artificial?

The last few destinations are on another side of the Sky Resources mountain. I will be heading counter-clockwise, half-way around it.

About a quarter of the way around the mountain, we come to Lgamerross' shop. Sure is a colorful building!

Our old hide-y hole, and original wheat farm, in relation to where Sky resources is.

Our last stop for today is right there. That is the community garden. The hide-y hole is somewhere behind me.

Here we are!
Here, anybody can take as much as they need from the garden, and help look after the plants.

This concludes my tour of our server world. I hope you enjoyed seeing around, and now that I've done the tours I've been wanting to do, I can start writing more about what I've been up to in Minecraft each day!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! See you next post. Until then!



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