Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Skisland Project - Part 4 - Sliding Sands

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

This week, we have another Skisland for the texture pack map I've been working on. No, don't worry; this won't be a weekly thing. I'm just short on ideas for this week. :t I might have had a new house build to show you guys, but the funny thing is that I was doing it on an online friend's private server, but things got 'complicated' with him. (It was probably kind of my fault, but notice the hyphens. The whole thing was really stupid.)

Hi... Um... Hi. Yeah, I'm on topic now. Today's skisland is a small desert-themed skisland. It's pretty simple, but I'm actually quite proud of it.

Now, here's how to get to Sliding Sands from Magnificent Meadow. Last time, I said I'd be starting new walkthroughs from the skisland before the one we're going to, instead of the cannon launch. This time, we're actually doing that, and we're starting from the Magnificent Meadow side of the bridge connecting said skisland from Lightly Forested Forest. Actually, the bridge is down the short hill and to the right. One-screen walkthrough. For the win.

Now, here is a bird's-eye view of Sliding Sands. The first screen is with the default textures, and the second is with my work-in-progress resource pack, Cloud 16. You can guess which one is mine. It isn't too bright, is it? My laptop screen tends to be kind of blue, so the game generally looks dull to me. That's why I always overdo the color saturation, if I even do that.

Poetic blurb:
"As the sands of time slide by, the wind of the desert disturbs the dunes. It conceals the remnants of forgotten forces of change. Only those who can dig deeper can stop the sands from being secretive."

This tour is going to be really short, to be honest. It really isn't going to be much of a tour. I feel like I'm kidding myself. I just need two screens, maybe three. Four at worst.

So, here we have another contrast pool. This time, though, I have some clay on the edge. I want people to use it to see what their clay looks like underwater. I was having trouble with telling it apart from sand in my other pack, FreshCraft, since I just colorized sand. I don't want that to happen anymore.

(In front of the pond)
"Once again, we have a contrast pool. (You're doing this island before the Mushroom Island, aren't you, though.)"
(In the background, under a cactus)
"These colors remind me of a taco shop. XD"

Actually, somewhere behind me in the above screenshot, I have a little texturing trivia fact. It may be common knowledge, though.

"Fact: the default dead bush is a leafless Oak Sapling texture."
"I suppose it would've been good to mention that earlier... :s"

I actually did the dead bushes a long time ago, since I was aware of that. 

There is a more interesting fact behind the little shrine building. I seem to enjoy these weird facts for some reason. These are just facts I've heard. I don't usually read a lot of trivia; only at the bottom of wiki pages...

  "Did you know? A cactus fruit is known as a Prickly Peir."

There are other names for cactus fruits, but I can't remember them.

I feel like I've been all over the place, and I kind of have. But, the last thing I have to show you guys is the inside of this little shrine. I tried to do a wither shine thing. No, I'm not making anyone texture wither skeletons or paintings on this skisland. I just like to use the odd decoration, like the Spruce Wood door on Rocky Ridge.

 Well, that's all for this week. As always, your feedback is appreciated. I think I may work on this place a little more; make the shrine look slightly buried. 

Thanks for reading! I'll see you all next post. Until then!


Tamara H said...

Great post! The perfect witticisms, poetry, great screen shots...what's not to like?


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