Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Skisland Project - Part 3 - Magnificent Meadow and Shroomy Summit

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map, and the third installment to the Skisland Project!

I've been pretty busy in the past while; making new skislands and creating textures on them in Cloud 16. Thus far, I've made 3 skislands that you haven't seen, and two of those three have been completed in Cloud 16. The last two skislands I have finished have been kind of small in size, and short in the way of textures. (At least, they felt short.) So, I decided to show you two today! It shouldn't take too long.

To start things off, I will show you guys a view of the two skislands I've created; first with default, and then my beautiful Cloud 16 Pack. :3

Magnificent Meadow

Shroomy Summit

The Tour

This tour will be continuous, since these skislands are also continuous. The past few tours started from the very start: the TNT cannon landing. Last time, I said I wouldn't be doing that again, but, since none of the skislands will be branching off there anymore, I will be starting from Magnificent Meadow, or later skislands after today. Anyways, let's get on with things.

You've probably seen this screenshot here several times already. Yeah, I reusing it from the first post. (Notice the old dirt and acacia texture. I changed both a while ago.) But, this is supposed to be the first place anyone sees on the Skislands. So, I will start here once again. We don't need to spend many screenshots on this photo at all.

So, all you need to do is head next to the jungle trees. It's along the forest walk route I showed you a long time ago.

Hmm... The jungle leaves look ugly and blocky. I always try to make block surfaces look continuous when next to each other. That's a common thing in tileset creation for games. You're always on a grid, but it shouldn't look like that. ;) I wish I could have alternate textures that have a chance to appear... That would help. I'll discuss this another time.
Now, you just need to walk across across the bridge. This screenshot is current, by the way. If you remember the old images well enough, you can probably see that I changed the grass. It's now a bit noisier. I felt like I disliked the obvious stripes. You can still see them a little bit, though. The texture generally looked better with the rotating textures. It's important for textures to always look good. I figure I'll turn the texture rotating off for the rest of the screens. Most of the grass past here will be obstructed, though.

Edit: hold on. There is a rather annoying patch! It kind of  gives away where the block boundaries are! They probably aren't where you think they are, though. I'm going to edit this on the fly. Ugh... I already took the screenshots for the skisland, though. :t

Ugly texture is ugly. I think I'll just get back to where I'm supposed to be working.

So, we come to this little spot right here, with the book of textures to do, along with the poetic blurb.

"You arrive in a small meadow, to find a plateau chock full of flowers. All the little wonders are not unexpected, but still manage to pleasantly surprise those who seek it. A small, hidden place; nobody said oases only exist in deserts."

 Down in the center of the skisland, there are a bunch of (mostly) natural double-plants. I know mine are probably sort of ugly compared to some packs (Especially the Lilac. I don't know how to fix it.). I just HATE doing double-plants; they annoy me for some reason. All the sunflowers and blue orchids had to be added. They only spawn in their respective biomes.

 Toward the back of the image and a bit to the right, there is a small "clearing" with some more little thoughts, and a little test to whoever is making a pack.

"Having trouble telling your pink tulips apart from your white? I am."
"<-- This tulip is white. [pointing toward pink tulip] Tip: move this sign for next time."

This one is self-explanatory. No. I'm not writing a second sentence. Wait... 0_0

Anyways, the bridge to Shroomy Summit is right here, and this time I'm honestly not writing a second sentence.

Right across, we have a little plateau that I decorated. It looks natural enough, although I planted a bunch of the tiny mushrooms, and I think I grew the giant brown one. Even I can hardly tell. XD I just hope the lone blocks don't look too awful.

Well, now's a good enough of a time to tell you guys the poetic blurb.

"Mushroom Islands are a place that few know to exist, and even fewer can find. They are so far from any land that has been walked, mushrooms can freely scatter their spores, and as all who have seen will know, truly spread their roots."

Umm... Yeah, you can probably tell that I recolored the Mycelium. It was a really terrible sun-bleached lavender color. I think I have a screenshot with it, which I took of a generation bug.  It seems to be that ravines don't remove Mycelium blocks.

Since there is a lot of water to be seen around Mushroom Islands, I decided to create what I refer to as a Contrast Pool. Just a nice, flush pond to stare at, with surface blocks around. The point of it is that you should be able to look at the water, and tell me that the surface blocks around it should look good or bad with it. It's probably not that effective in practice.

There isn't much at all on this skisland at all. But, on the side with the red mushrooms, we do have some little spots of interest. I put a little mushroom fact over on the one red mushroom.

"Fact: Brown Mushrooms are more common than red ones in all biomes, except mushroom islands, where they are dominant."

Down the hill behind the mushroom with the signs on it, I decided to place this:

I "captioned" it as I did for a reason. This is why.

I got sick of Mooshrooms randomly pushing each other off, and getting stuck on the edge. So, I put these barriers around the edge, and made it so that mooshrooms can't get stuck in a place they can't pathfind out of. I did a barrier railing on Magnificent Meadows, too. It's not as extreme, though. This map will be a long time in the works, and I got sick of constantly having to spawn new animals. Anyone working on this map will have that issue too.

Well, that's pretty much all there is to show you guys. As always, your feedback is appreciated; I actually have a poll running right now, to the right of the post feed. Please supply your opinion! Well, thanks for stopping by. I'll catch you guys next next post. Until then!



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