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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Fun Ways to Glitch and Cheat with Ender Pearls

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

As many of you may know, you can throw an Ender Pearl in Minecraft to teleport to where it lands. What some of you may also know, something of this nature is easily exploitable. So, today I thought I'd show you guys some fun ways to use Ender Peals to cheat through or over walls,go through ceilings, skydive safely, or just downright impress your friends!

For starters, I'll demonstrate a simple way to go through thin walls (glass panes and iron bars). But first, make sure you have lots of Ender Pearls, unless you are a very well-practiced glitcher, or the wall isn't very tall.

Let's start with a short wall like this one. I put a 3-block thick roof on to show you that you can cheat through most ceilings.

Just walk up to the wall, and throw Ender Pearls until you appear...
(Or you can throw into the ceiling. Whatever is your forte. However, the ceiling may be a bad idea if it is really high.)

...On the other side!

(Pro tip: Respiration and Feather Falling enchantments can be game changing when doing these stunts.)

Alright. Wanna try a bigger wall? Sure you do. Let's do it!

Again, same thing as before. Actually, I found it to be a bit more effective if you look up on an angle like this. Also, I personally find it easier to get on to a platform if you go through the floor. Just a preference.

This next trick is quite fun! In my case, I'm a spider-slime! This is good for scaring/impressing friends, sniping stuff, or just scoping out an area. to do this, just look up at a wall at a similar angle to in the screenshot above, while walking forward. When you start shaking back and forth, you can then let go of your keys.
Tips: holding sneak may be helpful for not falling, or getting out of the block if you start suffocating. Feather Falling can be VERY helpful while attempting this.

Now, I think I'll demonstrate how to go through the ceiling, or come through the floor. Depends on the case. This one is fairly straight forward: just rapidly throw Ender Pearls while looking straight up at the roof! If you have enough pearls, (3 stacks should be more than enough) you can even escape a cave and appear on the surface! (Just make sure there isn't anything dangerous above you, like lava. Also, this is where respiration comes in handy.)

Let's climb that tower I climbed before! I'll see yu guys on the top! Anyways, here I go! :D

Ta-da! Here we are!!!

For my next trick, I will jump from this platform, and live!

Now, to pull this one, just spike an Ender Pearl straight up, (maybe wait a few seconds) and jump! (Just make sure you are high enough that you don't hit the ground. If that happens, it will wreck the whole trick, and the joke's on you.) Once again, this is useful for avoiding or tricking people if you have Ender Pearls in PvP, or just for impressing friends. I have done both before!


WHOOSH!!! Here I am, safe and sound at the top once again! Yaay! :D

Now to get back down, and I'm to impatient and cool for ladders! I know...

My last stunt will be to fall really far, but take little damage, using Ender Pearls! This is actually really easy: just throw the pearl toward the ground, and jump!

But first, as bad of a time it is, like always, it's time for the Impromptu Random Bonus Screenshot of the Day!

Today we see a star-gazing creeper that I caught and punched while giving a tour of my Japanese house. Remember that post?

My caption: "Star light, star bright... OW! You made me lose the first star of the night! Now I can't make a wish!"

Back to what I was doing...
Well, there goes the Pearl!

There I go!

Boom! Here I am, safely at the bottom!

Uses: this is a great trick for impressing friends, again, or for if you get mixed up when Ender Pearling down from places.

Anyways, that's all the Ender Pearl tricks I have up my sleeve for now!

So, as always, please comment, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

See you all next post. Until then!


Tamara H said...

Awesome tricks! Those pearls are sure versatile. : )


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