Friday, March 20, 2015

Easy Redstone for Your Convenience (Bonus Post!)

Hello! I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Mayonnaise! In Yesterday's post, I promised I'd do a double-post this week. As I promised, here I am! Another usual-length post. You lucky ducks. t:

For this one, I have two simple Redstone circuits. They are very compact, and could make your experience a good amount easier!

Extra Convenient Boat Dock

I made this one a week or two ago. This boat dock's Redstone is totally contained (except for the back, but that shouldn't be a problem), so it should be easy to build it in the water, and also, it's tileable. That means that you can continuously build it next to itself.

This dock is actually pretty simple, but by no means was it simple to develop. When you first encounter it, the dock should be clear of water.

When you click the button, it'll throw out a boat, and release the water. Before, I had hoppers in this dock, so you could just throw it back, and also a dropper that bumped the water up. But, I was having issues with it while making the dock more compact, and I decided to remove it. The other flaw is that if you click the button a second time, the water also toggles. That issue is minor, but it annoys me nonetheless. I may be able to fix it, and I'll try if I do a tutorial on this dock.

Anyways, you just have to place the boat in and sail off. Another design flaw: only the middle pressure plate actually triggers the circuit. At least it's really hard to avoid, if you can at all. I don't think so.

 So, from there you can sail where you need to. Once you decide to return, you can simply drive through the pressure plates without flooding the dock, land the boat, break it, and place it back in the dropper.

Here's the Redstone circuit. If you can see where the input is, find that. When you click the button, the wire branches in two directions. One goes to the circuit in the center of the dock, which is an RS-NOR latch, also known as a Memory Cell. The other branch, which has some delay, delivers a pulse to the dispenser once there's no power going to it.

On the far left is the second input; from the pressure plates. It causes the adjacent Redstone Torch to turn off, thus allowing the one across from it to turn on, and delivering a pulse to the dispenser. That event only happens once; the Memory Cell must be flipped by the button to happen again. This is why the dock doesn't flood when you're trying to pull in. I'd appreciate it if the other side only pulsed once too, but it's not governed by the Memory Cell.

The Stew Machine

I have to say that I'm really proud of this one. It's a little self-serve vending machine with a Mooshroom! It kind of reminds me of a particular kind of Japanese vending machine that could heat up little boxed meals for you. I remember seeing a YouTuber who does reviews of the food inside various ones. Maybe search them up on Google.

Anyways, here's my machine! :3

To use this machine, you just have to push the button. It'll dispense a bowl, and allow you to click the mooshroom behind the glass.

Then, you can milk the mooshroom as much as you want. I'm pretty hungry, so I'll have three bowls!

Once you're done, all you have to do is throw the bowl at the mooshroom. Then, the door closes again.

Here's a tour of the redstone. The redstone in this machine is slightly more complicated, so I'll show you guys some nice screenshots.

This is where the button connects to the circuit. You can see that it runs in various directions.

 In the back, there is another Memory Cell, only this one is a vertical model. When the button is pushed, it causes that wire coming from the button to stay powered until the cell is flipped.

I was using Spectator Mode for these screenshots, if you can't tell.
One of the branches of the circuit goes up to this piston. The redstone torch makes it so that the piston retracts when you push the button, and extends when the Memory Cell flips back.

Connected to the bottom torch from the Memory Cell, there is another branch that runs this way. Note that it's not connected to the line running from the button. This line causes the dispenser to shoot out a bowl.

The repeater runs to a single dot of redstone. I was having trouble with this dot powering the hopper and thus locking it, so the circuit was never turning off.

Speaking of the hopper, it runs underneath the latch, and it switches the latch to its default state.

Sorry if this is still confusing. I'll do a video tutorial another time.

Well, that's it for this bonus post! As always, I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for reading!

I'll see you all next post. Until then!

Oh, but before I go, here's the Impromptu Random Bonus Screenshot of the Day! This one is of HowlingW0lf from our very own server. I think it speaks for itself. :D

See you guys next week!



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