Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Building Showcase - Ancient Aztec Houses

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

A while ago, I did a post where I decorated an Ancient Aztec noble's house, and I promised a tour of the other houses. I realize it has been a while, but today, we're going to go on said tour!

I think that the best plan is to start at the smaller houses, since they won't take as long to tour as the noble's house. So, here is the first house I built; a basic hut.

The house is pretty plain on the outside, but on the  inside, we have a tightly packed little room! It is fitted with a table, some sleeping mats, and an oven (I made a glitch furnace using MCEdit).

I didn' show the furnace in the above image, so this is the furnace in case you were curious.

As you can see, the Tile Data of the furnace is improperly set, so the furnace appears to be lit, but in the GUI, the furnace is indicated to be inactive. (Hey, I got to kill two birds with one stone, and show you guys my Furnace GUI texture! :D )

Religion was very important to the Aztecs, so each room in each house has a shrine. But, since Minecraft doesn't have many options for blocks for the shrines, they ended up looking kind of ridiculous.

Another common house feature was a steambath. The doctors found them to be healthy, so many people had them built outside their homes.

The Steambaths are actually quite simple! They would light a fire inside, then pour water on the wall to heat it up, so I added a fireplace, even though it really doesn't help in Minecraft. Well, if you're going to do something, you may as well do it the way it's meant to be done: in my case, with a fireplace!

I used some cobwebs to make pretend steam. I saw this on a video somewhere. Why not make a spider's day for a change? :D

Um, yeah...

Next up, we have a more unusual lot: a Chinampa, AKA Floating Farm!

These things are literally a farm floating on a lake. The Ancient Aztecs used to lay down lake mud on a lake, and grow willow trees on it, so the roots of the trees would quickly grow and hold together the farm bed.

I did try to build some small Willow trees. Hand-crafted plants are sort of a lost art in this game.

This house is quite crammed! But still, religion was important enough to the Aztecs that they would always have a shrine.

In here, there is some storage. I'm not sure if they actually had something like this storage room, but none of the web sources I could find had any details on what they would build on the Chinampas, so this was my best guess. Also, a guy has to keep his tools somewhere, and you know me and how I am a chestaholic, and this is the result.

Finally, here is the Noble's House. I'm right in front of the entracne.

Once again, I couldn't find any specific information on the architecture of the homes of the Nobles, so this house is largely based on a Mexican house I've seen before.

Anyway, here are the rooms! I didn't want to do too long of a post today, so down below are pictures of all the unique* rooms. Here we go!

But first, let's call it time for the Impromptu Random Bonus Screenshot of the Week!

In today's photo, we have a very random Spider Jockey.

My caption: that awkward moment when a Spider Jockey holding an enchanted bow decides to climb into your back window...

First of all, heading to the right at the front entrance, we have the dining room. Yes, the Aztecs actually would sit on blocks of stone.<3

Next room down the right side of the house is the Kitchen.

Last on this end of the house are the servant quarters. The Nobles did have several servants!

We have reached the end of that part of the house, so let's head down the other end.

Immediately to the left are the Men's and Women's Reception Rooms (they appear in that order, going down the left stretch). This is where the residents would entertain their guests!

Right after that, we hit the master bedroom...

...and then *a whole TON of minor bedrooms! This is only one photo! XP <- (Dead face)

Down below, all the orange-highlighted area is filled with bedrooms.

The final room on this end of the house is a nursery. (Yes. The crib may be horribly historically inaccurate. :p)

Last but far from least, we have the outdoor garden! Here it is, along with the Wacky Water God! (Remember him? :) )

Well, that's it for this week. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate them, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

I'll see you all next post Until then!



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