Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Brief YouTube Channel Update

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map.

Today is not the weekly post, but rather, I am using my blog for a platform for a channel update. I think I can explain best here, since I am not the greatest speaker. Here goes...

Firstly, I promise that I AM working on the channel. I'm drawing some channel art, but you know what they say; you can't rush perfection. It should be done sometime soon, but it's hard to find time to work on it. For the cause of maybe getting some feedback, here is a little preview. (Don't mind the floating pants patterns. By the way, I bet you can't guess what pattern is on my pants! Free shot-out to the first person that does! ;) ) Come to think of it, I only really have to draw my "Lavarai" form!

Once that is done, and I have a background and more professional profile picture, (will be derived from the channel art) I plan on getting into a nice posting routine, like I have been trying to get into here. Expect a post this Tuesday, by the way!

In other news, Fire_Cat2000 and I have been working on getting the Tutorial series going together. We plan on releasing the first 3 episodes in a pack. Short reason, so new players don't get killed on day 2. Longer answer, because it doesn't seem smart to send players out on their second morning without knowing how to fight, or knowing how food is vital.

At the time of this writing, it's Saturday morning. I will hopefully get some recording and editing done over the weekend. You can expect an LP episode, but it is quite old. I'll admit it now.

Okay. That is about all I have to mention for now, and my Windows 8 laptop wants to update in 15 minutes, so I'd best let it do that. Sorry if I disappointed you if you were expecting the weekly post.

As always, I need nothing more than your feedback. Thanks for your support, my 7 subscribers, and I'll see you all next time. Until then!


Tamara H said...

Looking forward to the channel! The art/ drawing is awesome!


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