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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Project: Decorating an Aztec Noble's Home

Hello! I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map. Today, I am going to decorate an Aztec Noble's house I built a while ago as a school project! I will do a full tour on this and the other house I built and a chinampa (basically a floating farm) later, as another post.

First of all, let me show you guys what I have so far...

The Dining Room. Yes, the Ancient Aztecs actually sat on blocks of stone. Perfect for my purposes! Otherwise, the table is pretty normal, as far as what I do.

Also, here is the kitchen. No, I haven't done that many rooms. :p

The rest of the many rooms are bare, but some of them have some...

Really Silly Shrines! Well, it is Minecraft. I'd love to see you make a less ridiculous Aztec religious shrine.

The God of Airport Traffic Control!

The Boombox Buddy!

My personal Favorite: The Wacky Water God!

This one is just downright disturbing. Is it even supposed to be here?!

Problem solved! >:D

Okay, now. Let's get to decorating the rooms!

First up on our list: the men's reception room. In this room, the men would entertain their guests. So, in one of these rooms, I can picture some floor mats, and maybe a small table, and maybe a Jukebox?

But, the corner I was levitating in feels a little empty. So, how about a Flower Pot?

 But, I have already used that block lots, and it doesn't really demand enough attention. Maybe the Smooth Double Stone Slab? (Tip: you can obtain said slab block by using the following command:
 /give (your name) 43 1 8 )

 I think the color isn't soft enough for this particular build, and it looks too much like concrete! Let's try stained clay.

This block looks like it's built in, and I don't want that. Hmm... Maybe the oldschool Oak Wood Planks will take the cake?

Ah, I like this! More attention-drawing than the table, and it also fits in with the theme! This way, it will blend in, but you also notice it and think, "ooh! Pretty flower!" Good old Oak Wood Planks to the rescue. :)

Moving along, I also have to decorate the woman's reception room. I think I will do the same sort of thing as I did with the men's one, but with, perhaps, a different color of floor mat/cushion, like this.

Hmm, seems good to me. It could use something more. I wish I had some ideas... I will go around and add paintings in lots of places later, so maybe that will help?

Anyways, I forget what this room was for. I suppose we could use it as an adult's bedroom.

There we go. This room has lots of furniture, but the others won't. Well, on to the other bedrooms!

Here is a more normal one. But, I still don't think I want the others to suit two.

Okay. This is probably what all the other rooms will look like: a large chest, bed, and a table and potted flower. I think I will mostly use blue orchids for the bedrooms.

In this room, I decided to shake it up a bit, and do another double bedroom. This way, it's like maybe the family had some twins. You know, like identical ones that are the best of friends, and make everyone mix up their names? Something like that.

On that note, I also decided to put a baby's room in for the last one.

Oh, and you can actually get into the crib, if you bust up the cieling. :D

By the way, I was heading over to the other side of the house, when I noticed these cocoa beans on the tree. The Ancient Aztecs were the first ones to use cocoa beans. They were very precious to them, and they even used them as money. For that reason, I think I should remove these.

Seriously, Precious beans just growing in someone's garden? I don't think so.

Okay, now, all that's left to do is decorate the servant's quarters.

I think we should have a couple of beds, with a chest next to each of them, and perhaps a table.

Okay! All the rooms are decorated, but I think I want to add some paintings and rugs here and there.

Here is everything I did...

Alright! We are done with the Noble's house! I will do a full tour of all of my Aztec houses another post, but this is all for today. As always, feedback is very much appreciated, and thanks for stopping my my blog!

I'll see you all next post. Until then!



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