Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playing with the Far Lands

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across The Map!

So, they say Minecraft worlds are infinite. Well, I know the dark secret. That is kind of a lie. Well, yes and no. Yes, the game has no set limit, and will (attempt to) spawn chunks forever. Kinda. And no because chunks seem (according to my research) to be denied to exist: not having dynamic lighting, and not being solid. You will see what I mean.

Okay! Let's spawn a world!
Note: if you wish to do this too, do it on Creative mode with commands on. Period. Good luck walking to where I am heading.

Spawning the world! (Imagines elevator music.)
I am using a seed right now that Fire_Cat2000 and I discovered, but I won't share it with you guys, at least not yet! Sorry to keep you all waiting!

Here we are in  the world! I will teleport now. Want to show you guys one place on the way. See you there!


Ah, yes. The history behind where I stand now. At this position, the world would start generating horribly distorted terrain. If you are fortunate enough to have a powerful computer, a version of Minecraft Beta older than 1.8, and Single Player Commands for that version, you can do the same, and you will see the distortion, and all the glitchiness. Where I stand is: X:125550821, Y:70, Z:0. 12550821 is the position that they used call the start of the Far Lands. So, in a nutshell, this is the legacy start of the Far lands. Some things may be starting to get glitchy past here. I do not know.

Moving on...

Here we are at our next destination. Notice anything odd? Well, you see that green space? What if I told you that that is supposed to be a jungle biome?
Okay. No more of my guessing games. This is the hard limit to Minecraft's world generation. The end is at X and/or Z 30 000 000, and that is where we are. Welcome (officially) to the Far Lands.

I'll put this past you next: that barren terrain isn't real, and it ain't fooling me.

(Edit: checking in MCEdit, these "Fake chunks" do in fact exist, and can save like any other chunks. However, the game seems to deny their existence. But however, don't use MCEdit for any major world editing out this far. It lags horribly, the selection cursor distorts, and the chunks appear to be misaligned from each other.)

I know better than not to use my fly mode. So don't step into those chunks, unless you want a face full of the void. Mind you, void particles do taste like ice cream. Mm, delicious! Believe me. I have tasted them too many times while playing SethBling's Super Craft Bros map.

(But cut me some slack. I don't fall off THAT often. :p)

And hey, who are you calling a double-blockhead? We are all blockheads in this game. Literally. I am the chief, and I am proud to have my head inside a block! :D

Next, let's look at some things that I heard and found that don't work properly out here.

Spawners have all their particles in one corner of the block.

Furnaces and various other particle-emitting blocks suffer from a similar particle misalignment glitch, or else sometimes failing to render their particles entirely, as with redstone ore and torches, possibly others.

Oh yes. Fire on the side of a block also seems to distort.

Redstone is usually invisible, only showing up in some cases. However, the hitbox still shows up where it is supposed to be.

Piston arms do not render correctly, invisible in my case. While extending, the piston head also appears to (the body, too, while retracting) jump into a block next to it and quickly jump back. It is also quite odd how the piston rotates, at least trying to place it facing up. It appears to think the player placing it is somewhere different than where they really are.

Pistons extending near the Far Lands.

Piston arms failing to render their shafts.

Lily Pads appear invisible near the Far Lands. (Tested in the corner of quadrant 1(?) (+,+). may distort in others instead of being completely invisible.)

Cauldrons have one or more of their sides rendering in the block next to the real block.

Cake hit/collision box is either too big or too small. Depends on where you put the cake.

Cake with a stretched hitbox.

Notice on this cake that the selection frame only appears in one corner.

From the corner of the too-large cake where it stretches out, trying to run at said corner will make you jitter back in forth, in a similar manner of when you get stuck on a trapdoor in SMP.

The small-hitboxed cakes only have collision on one side.

Only the inner side of a fence curve has collision. All other fences fail to block entities, closed fence gates included.

This is the Impromptu Random Bonus Screenshot of the Day: Far Lands edition!

This is a squid swimming into the Far Lands, and paying for it.

My caption: What is this thing called Far Lands? (Good grammar has. :p) AIEE! I'M FALLING! Yum! He was right! It tastes like ice cream!

It seems like natural liquids do not fully spread near the end of the world, for unknown reasons.

 Notice the natural cobblestone near the lava fall in the back, but no water. Why? I swear I didn't place that.

Out this far, TNT jumps in weird ways when primed. The block you see here was inside that slot in the wooden planks. It somehow jumped out.

Paintings appear in incorrect locations when placed, and multiple paintings can occupy the same spot. Below, this was the result of  me spamming paintings on the opposite side of this wall.See that flickering static-y stuff? That is a bunch of paintings clipping each other. So much for hanging your painting of the sunset over the hard limit. :(

The last Far lands bug I have to show today is this: precipitation (Rainfall effects and snowfall) does not render. But the rain splatter effect does, however it has the strange particle placement glitch other blocks have, being clumped on one part of the block.

Despite the fact that that snow is invisible, the weather effect still places snow tiles.

Well, that's it for today! I hope you all enjoyed learning about the Far Lands. Even though I read the Minecraft Wiki page on this topic, I learned a lot too. Some information may very well be of my own discovery!
Everything here was tested live, and documented here for you guys.
If anyone reading this is a Minecraft Wiki member, I give full permission to put this data on the Wiki page about the Far Lands.

As always, please comment, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Thank you for 1000 views, and I'll See you all next post. Until then!



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