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Friday, February 20, 2015

Building Showcase: Spider House made from Dungeon

Hello! I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

Last weekend, I did a little project with the Cats; Fire-Cat and ThunderrrCat, mostly just for the fun of it. This little build has no practical use, other than being a surprisingly fun to hang out inside of.

So, not long ago, I found an old spider dungeon inside of the basement of myself and Fire-Cat's basement. There are some pretty crazy ravines down there. So, out of boredom, the Cats and I decided to turn it into a spider cage.

You can get to it from our basement...

Under our house...

Inside these ravines.

The waterfall towards the background to the left is how we get out.

That ravine on the left is where the cage is. This time, the exit is the rightmost waterfall.
This area was mined out years ago. I mean, in real-life years. I was randomly wandering these caves, possibly because some punk punched me in. I can't recall. As you walk through that ravine on the left, as seen in the screenshot above, you'll find the spider cage inside of a small side tunnel.

Here is the entrance, which is around and behind the structure for some reason! Actually, I know exactly why: so you get a nice view of the cage when you walk up to it...

Sign above doors: "01 Scuttle Ave."
Yeah, this is the house. There isn't a lot to it, but I'll show you what there is.

Up front, we have a light switch to stop the spawner, and doors that I specially oriented not to allow spiders to escape. I used the Acacia Wood Doors here to enhance the bug cage gimmick. Well, now I can say I've used them on the Default texture pack. :I

Here is the interior. The Cats and I decided to make some small tree-like things and placed some carpet. Just an interior to remind anyone of when they would catch bugs as small children. I remember how I'd always capture every ladybug I found during the summer when I was about six. I feel bad for the little critters, even though they probably don't have emotions. At least I tried to feed them aphids from the plant pots. :c

I'm being watched...
The glass panes have been annoying. I think the panes would be better if you could manually adjust them somehow. Some sort of tool item, maybe? Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about it. :t

Around the house, I installed some wooden walls, which I pretty much hacked together. The walls are made of spruce wood planks and dark oak wood and the floor is Brown Stained Clay, which works well with a wooden palette.  The lighting is just enough to light the hallway without monster spawning, but spaced as to brighten the cage interior as little as possible. The only reason the interior is bright in the below photo is because I turned on the lighting for some reason.

There is something else to show you guys. It's down this cave, and throughout everywhere you guys have seen throughout the cave screenshots...

What happens when you get two comedian Cats in a cave, with extra things to play with? Something like this...

i tRanSlatE SiGn. ZOOm, SatURn fOnt iS HaRD tO REaD. i KaY-O witH tHat. :3 (I decided to switch on my new font pack, which is the Mr. Saturn font from Earthbound. I'm now a giant freak for that game. <3

(The screenshot above this text and the two below are inside Demented Windows inc.)

This is a cave at the mouth of the cave where the cave is. I took advantage of the existing work station when setting up there.

This is up the exit-fall.
Well, that's it for today. As always, your feedback is appreciated, and thanks for reading! This time, I think I'll end things off with a selfie with Fire-Cat, since she's in the room with me as I write, playing on our server.

Say... Fuzzy Pickles!
Well, I'll catch you guys next post. Until then!


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