Friday, December 26, 2014

The Skisland Project - 02 - Rocky Ridge

Hello! I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map! This week, I have another finished skisland to show you, called Rocky Ridge, as I said in the title.

Poetic Blurb:

"In a roughland up high and left dry, few people live there to give to civilization, while not getting much in return, but to stay in a place that so often forsakes them. Those there walk a hard path of stone and ice alone."

Moving on from my poems, here is the island itself.


(With Cloud 16 Pack (The one I've been working on)):

So, now for the tour. In the last post on my resource packing map, I gave you all a tour of the world, starting from this Icarus cannon. Just this one time, I'll show you guys how to get to our destination from the start. You'll have to be caught up next time; I'll start straight from the previous skisland after today's post.

(The Icarus cannon. As seen last installment.)

So, from here, you'd blast off into the sky, and land on the first skisland, right about here. I know this photo doesn't demonstrate much.

Right below that acacia tree, there's the chest with the notebook for Lightly Forested Forest in it. Today, it's a present box, since it's Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

In the last post, I gave the tour of this skisland by going counter-clockwise half way around that acacia tree, heading in the direction of the jungle trees, and then making our way around in a circle-ish shape. But, if you only wanted to walk to Rocky Ridge, you could head counter-clockwise around the edge of the skisland to find this cave right here.

Fact: this cave is actually natural; I didn't carve it with MCEdit. It somehow connected with the caves in the crater below this skisland. The ores were obviously hand-inserted, although one of the coal veins might have been natural.

So, heading down the tunnel, and past the ores to the Mycelium bed, you'd just have to head across this bridge to go to Rocky Ridge.

Why did they change the gravel texture? I remember the old one. It was BETTER.

So, I'm now across the bridge, with my texture pack enabled. Let's begin the actual tour!

So, I made a path going up from here. You can see it in the screenshot below this text. Not much to be said about it... Except that there isn't much to be said about it. :s

Along the path, there is a little texturing tip, with slightly bad grammar. I don't think there was space for complete sentences. I can't remember.

We have some containers full of mine products out here. One has the nasty 1.8 stones, and the other just has coal, along with a lone block of obsidian. When you are working on a texture pack, people should be able to tell which block is obsidian.

Directly behind me in that photo is a little slope. Not very important. But, somebody felt the need to conquer it.

Actually, at this little outcropping on the side of the hill, which I grudgingly loaded with 1.8 stones, there is a hidden bridge. You can see it when you hover over the cursor. I was planning on keeping these secret, but I decided to tell the player about just this one. They are mostly for me, in case I'm doing a texture pack review on this world, which I may.

These two screenshots below this text are inside the forge building. Once again, I don't have much to say on the matter. It's just a workshop, for crying out loud.

A small way's down the hill, we have a small hut. I'm not perfectly sure why I made it, but it's mostly my nostalgia.

The reason it's nostalgic is this view right here. I remember one night of my first Minecraft experiences, I was looking outside through the door, as the snow fell down. There was a beacon in that view, which I attempted to emulate.

So, now, down the portion of the hill that the shack faces, there is a lava spring that I hand-made. It was kind of a late-addition; I pretty much forgot about obsidian and bedrock.

Heading back to the summit of this skisland, there is one more little hidden location. It's right along the side of the hill, as you can see below. There is a gravel trail leading to it, but it isn't easy to see from all angles, since it's usually snowed over. Weather happens way too often on this map. Maybe I need an anti-weather clock. I'll consider it when I build the spawnpoint.

We have a little dungeon that I carved out in here. The waterfall is artificial, but that little cave is actually natural. Darn; I misspelled 'personnel' by one letter. I would fix it and change the screenshot, but I can't be bothered. You guys can ham it up with that. :I

Anyways, here is another view of the bridge. There are some dispensers and droppers, Just for aesthetics. They don't fire for any reason. One of them has a cool firework that I made, though! :)

 Now is a good time to point out that I changed the dirt texture a bit. It's a bit flatter than the old one.

The dungeon has a bunch of precious metals and gems, and then some. Sufficient to say, the spawner isn't really the definition of a threat... XD

 Also, I did change the Acacia wood texture! Up next is the Oak log. The shading on the sides of it are a little too harsh, in my opinion. It's not terrible, and I have actually changed it a bit at some point.

Last but not least, I have some animated textures, mostly for stuff that's flaming. So, here are some GIF's of the animated textues I have!

Well, that's all for this skisland. I have finished the third, but the textures for it aren't finished yet in Cloud 16. I have been procrastinating on the double-tall flowers. I hate texturing them! As always, you feedback is always appreciated. I'm not happy with some of the textures; mostly just the Lapis Lazuli Block at the moment. If you have suggestions on any improvements, I'm happy to hear it! The texture pack can never be too perfect.

Thanks for stopping by! For now, I'll see you all next post. Until then!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Customized World Generator: "N8's Edge" - A More Interesting Default

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

A few nights ago, I was randomly thinking about my Minecraft LP, about how fun my old survival world was, and how fun my LP world tends not to be; yeah, bad time to be contemplating at random. I soon found myself in an annoying dilemma: too inspired to sleep; too tired to create. :( I saw that on an Instagram photo. I'm @N8thanH, by the way! I draw ridiculous stuff that I feel like!

Well, anyways, I had some ideas, which I will go into further detail another time. I don't need to stuff this post full of my rambling, which I'm apparently good at. But, in my current LP world, I am already settled, and on my way to building a Blaze farm. I'm pretty wealthy, for that regard; I have a stack of Diamonds, and about half a stack of iron blocks.

I need more adventure to my craft. So, I plan on starting a new map soon. But, the thing is that the current generator tends to make terrain that looks nearly exactly the same on every map; there is almost no variation at all anymore. Our seeds hardly seem special. I blame Mojang for changing Extreme Hills generation.
What Extreme Hills used to look like. It was like this wherever you went. Still doesn't compare to 1.0. <3
Luckily, as you may know, Mojang implemented the new Customized world type. I toyed around with it, and got some pretty awesome results. I decided to try a random seed: Cheeseblock, just to see what I could do to the generator. This is the preset I came up with.

Umm... Those codes are huge. I tried pasting it into Blogger, but my broswer went down to far less than 1 Frame per Second.

Instead, here is a link to a PasteBin page with the code on it.

As far as most biomes go, this forest is as interesting as it gets.

Now, observe as my custom generator adds a little extra kick. t:

By the way, I'm currently using Cloud 16. Catch a sneak peak at what you can.

So, I found the weakest Extreme Hills I've ever seen. Pathetic. There is nothing but quarrying space behind me.

My generator at least makes the little hill that does exist a bit cooler. Ah, well. I guess it can't be helped much. :t

Now, I have a special hatred of the new 1.8 stone variants. I decided to turn down their spawn rate a fair amount, and they don't spawn at all below layer 21.

Here is my best result, and it's right by spawn. You see this cute little hill pass? Yeah, it's kind of nice...

Sure, but it turns into a HOODOO, with a river passing through the cleft between it and the cliff to the side!

This generator almost reminds me of Minecraft Beta. I assume almost nobody has seen Beta's old generator, so Google some screenshots of it. It's hard to re-create that kind of variation, without sacrificing good building space. Still, this generator can create some of the smaller formations.

Well, that's it for today. As always, your feedback is appreciated, and thanks for stopping by! I'll see you all next post. Until then!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

This isn't a post, and just spam, but...

Today is the last sequential date we'll ever see; 12/13/14; and I'm documenting a little slice of it for myself!

Merry Christmas, and happy Hanukkah! My actual post should be posted this Tuesday. (We hope.)

See you guys then!



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