Thursday, November 6, 2014

Minecraft Color Spectrum: 1.8 Update!

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map! A while ago, somewhere over the release of Minecraft 1.8, I decided to organize every block in Minecraft into a color spectrum, as a utility I have yet to use. Nonetheless, on the slim chance that you have used it, I've provided an update to the spectrum, featuring all the blocks added in 1.8. (Sorry, guys. I don't really have anything to show for this week. Maybe I'll have something awesome next week. For now, we're doing something easy.)

So, added in Minecraft 1.8, we have...

  • Granite
  • Diorite (Sorry if this text is hard to read. Not helping, you say?)
  • Andesite
  • Iron Trapdoors
  • Different Colored Doors: Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak
  • Prismarine!
  • Red Sandstone
  • Sponges, I guess... If you really want to build with that...
Now, for any of you who haven't seen the thing I have in my temporary texture pack world, here is a screenie I took today.  I may build a cleaner version on my singleplayer world sometime. (As in, the world from my videos.) For convenience, here is a link to my original post on the color categories, if you'd like to see them:

So, I'll now do a run-through of all the categories that have been changed. Here we go!

Light-ish Gray

This chest overflowed. Here is where the Andesite actually is. :V

I also added the Iron Door, since I forgot to put it in there last time.

White (Let's see if I hailed... I can't see what I'm typing! D:)
I added the Iron Trapdoor, along with the original Iron Door, which I neglected to add. Also, I felt that Sea Lanterns belonged here. :3

Light Beige/Creamy

 The Birch Door is in, and I moved the White Stained Clay here. I couldn't find a good place for it... This place just seemed better than where it was. :t

Creamy Gold

There are no new items here, but the Glowstone has been moved here. I'm not sure if Glowstone was actually included originally.

Medium Brown

The Spruce Door is in place, with the other planks of its wood type.

Dark Brown

Likewise, the Dark Oak Door finds its respective spot, with the plank colors that make it.


The new default Mushroom Blocks are the ones with the outer skin on all sides. Because that's the case, it's here, now. Also, TNT has been added, for if you happen to be using it for aesthetics, or your inner griefer wants your build to match the colors of your favorite block.

Dark Orange

Red Sandstone is here! This block should had been in 1.7, when Mesas were added. :t

Light Orange

Acacia Wood is found in the Dark Orange category, but because of prominent highlights all over its texture, it finds itself here.

The orange colors in this game are so different, I had to make two categories...


Dark Prismarine fit best here. Otherwise, this category is as empty as ever. :t

Light Blue

Here is where the bulk of the Prismarine is! I'm always happy to have more stone-ish blocks in Minecraft. What is Prismarine, anyway? For all we know, maybe it's a clay? Regardless, to me, anything in Minecraft is stone-ish if it's only collectable with a Pickaxe.

This Color (Brownish-Pink?)

Once again, we have another category with no new blocks. However, Note- and Jukeboxes are now included. Hmm... They could make a neat floor pattern. Albeit, not a modern one, but a neat one.

Warm Gray (also known as the Misfit Category)

This category only exists because of oddball clay colors. But now, it's home to the Jungle Wood Door. As to why? See previous answer. Same with the chicken egg; see last post on my spectrum. ;D 

Well, that's the updated color spectrum! So, now that I've outlived my usefulness, I'll call it here for this week. As always, your feedback, which I never get, would be appreciated. But, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll see you all next week. Until then!

Wait, you actually do want to comment? By all means, do it! Just be sure to sign in before typing, if you have Blogger. See the top of the site. There should be a sign-in up on the Blogger header. :)


Tamara H said...

I have to admit, it may be tricky for some to figure out the comment thing.

Tamara H said...

Another thing - your color comments and organization are so cool!


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