Friday, April 19, 2013

Building Shlowcase - Triple Feature: Starkindle Tower, Wooden Easter Island Head, and Splash's Sanctuary!

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

Yesterday, I promised I'd do a post, so, as promised, I'm here to bring you all another Building Showcase! I have been building quite a bit on Bluestrike, our server, so this is a perfect opportunity to show you all what I've been up to! So, let's go see.

First, let's cover Starkindle Tower, as it is the oldest construction here that I haven't shown off yet.

We'll head over there in a moment, but this is where the tower is, in relation to my farm tower. Just in case you wanted to know.

I'm right outside it. Yeah, it's made out of snow. I'm lucky to have had a snow generator here while I built it, and boy, did I ever go through a lot of shovels! But, here it is.

This is the inside of the tower, where the ladder is. We'll head up in a moment, 'cause who doesn't wanna see the view up top?

By the way, those pink blocks are the Nether Quartz blocks in my texture pack, FreshCraft. I made them pink, because nothing says "I'm from the Nether" like the color red.

The top of the tower is perfect for looking out over the land, or star gazing, if it's your thing.

Wow! That's one amazing sunrise we can see from up here!

You can go into the flame-shaped dome, but there isn't much of a point to it. I would like to put something up here, but what..? If any of you guys have an idea, I'd like to hear it! It is a good space that isn't really getting used.

Here's a view of Starkindle Tower, as seen from on top of my jungle tree.

Moving on, this is the Impromptu Random Bonus Screenshot of the Day!
This is a small cave opening with some creepers staring through. I wonder why it is that they want to blow you up so bad...

My caption: "Welcome to the Creeper show! I'm here with my co-host, Blasting Buddy, and today we're gonna blow you to smithereens!"

Anyways, this is a wooden Easter Island head I built while on vacation.

Again, where it is in comparison to the Farming Tower.

Our last stop is Splash's Sanctuary. I named it after the cat I have on the server, and built it for him, to be outside, but safe and out of fights. I always worry that he'll be killed by a skeleton left over from the night that is trying to shoot me.

 Here's the inside! Sorry for the in-game time being kinda random.
(Now, I am aware that the garden is slightly misaligned. I don't really care, but I may fix it in the future.)

I decided to put a Siamese cat pixel-art in the center. Here is a better look, and Splash himself in the center. Yep, cat-inception!

Once again, this is where the garden is in relation to my house. You can see the deck where the glowstone is.

Well, that's all I have to showcase for today. As always, suggestions and feedback are always appreciated, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

See you all next post. Until then!

(Psst! Unplanned sneak peek at my current project!)


Lgamerross said...

Awesome work, and pink is a cool color too :3
Anyway, Looks like you took a couple boo-boos in the back just to see the stars XD!

I also know why Creepers want to blow you up so bad. I'm not sure if this is true, but my friend told my creepers want to hug you (o.o) but they are sensitive to you so the gunpowder activates, and it explodes

N8thanH said...

Lol, yes I did get into some fights, trying to steal some armor from mobs, but ended up getting turned into the official N8thanH shooting gallery (Yes, I admit to getting side-tracked). Also, unusual idea of creeper lore! Could be true, though. Only Notch knows, though...


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