Saturday, November 10, 2012

A "quick" server recap

Hello, welcome back to Across the Map!

Today, I thought I'd talk about what's been going on on our server, because quite a few things have changed.

First up on the agenda is: we have a new guest that has been coming on quite frequently. I am proud to introduce you all to Mintz9! He is our regular, and enjoys mining, and doing shenanigans in the Nether.

Speaking of the Nether, Mintz9 has made some great improvements to our Nether portal shelter. Up top is quite a cool sniping deck, where most of the action happens. That zombie pigman is our guard. He is not very good, and is kind of over-sensitive, so I think  I'll fire him, but I'll do that later.

Moving on, we have a new chicken coop by the hide-y hole. It was built by Fire_Cat2000. It REALLY needed an update.

As for me, my diamond situation has gotten out of hand. I have a second diamond block, now!

Two days ago, I was doing some Nether shenanigans with Mintz9. We got attacked by some ghasts, messed with some pigmen, and Mintz9 discovered the fun of jumping off the cliff to his doom.

Weee! SPLAT!

Here we have Mintz9's shop/house. The shop is called Mining Bargains. He sells underground stuff.

The other day, Fire_Cat2000 and I got a little silly with playing doorbell ditch at his shop. I was camping on his roof for a good five minutes: opening his door, jamming on his note block, and pressing the doorbell button. When I decided to leave, I left him with a creeper at his open door, which decided to enter.

Fire_Cat stalking around, playing doorbell ditch.

To wrap up this post, here's a bonus screenshot of the next dungeon in Midnight pines.

Well, that's all folks! As always, feedback is appreciated, and thanks for stopping by!

See you all next post. Until then!



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