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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Building Showcase: HowlingW0lf's House! Cozy Old-Timely Brewhouse on our Server

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

Yes, I'm back in the game, after a delayed three-month absence over the summer. My inspiration for things to do has been dried up lately, but about a little while ago, I fell in love with the world of Bluestrike again. I seem to get bored of my lonely self on Bluestrike, possibly from everyone else being bored. Then, like recently, I decide to do something on there, and the rest is history. ;D

I bumped into my old Bluestrike pal, Mintz9, who I hadn't talked to in a long time. Long story shot, his sister, HowlingW0lf has now joined us, which meant another chance for me to build a house. I hand out a coupon to familiar players, good for one free building project.

That means that this house was built to W0lf's specifications. As a pro builder, it is my job to take the customer's ideas, and turn them into something neat. That's just what I did. Without further... Rambling, here it is!

The exterior is simple, but I'd consider it to be well-balanced. Since this is a brewhouse, I decided to be creative and plant some Nether Wart outside. It's not a farm, but I've seen Howling harvest the potted wart. It's her house; I'm not objecting.

Through the double-doors is the brewshop, and the single door is W0lf's house. We will head there first, and get to the shop portion later.

As you are coming through this door, you are greeted to a narrow hallway. The door on the right is a shortcut to the back of the brewshop. On the left is this little closet. I didn't go too chest-crazy on this house.

Well, we'd might as well pop inside the shop. We're here. At the moment, it's kind of empty. I hoped that Howling would put up some signs for prices and extra info, and maybe put some ingredients in the chests... I hope she isn't worried about touching her own house. This shop feels empty. :t

Well, I can assure you that the rest of the house feels more inhabited. Let's head to the main part of the house.

Oh, yeah! I made a little writing desk in the corner, over here. Just for fun. It mostly just adds to that feeling that a place is comfortably lived in.

Moving on, here is the main living space! HowlingW0lf chose the carpet colors. They worked out better than I thought. Also, I made a point of not going too chest-crazy, although there should always be a place to put everything in any house. I'll help W0lf if she asks for cabinets in the kitchen.

On my right is the back door. There isn't anything out there, though. I may show it again if W0lf does anything with it.

We will have to backtrack a bit to see the last room: the Bedroom. It's right up these stairs.

At the top is a little... Room, I guess. There is lots of extra space on the roof, in case HowlingW0lf decides she wants another room. But, I think the house will be fine as is for now.

Here is W0lf's bedroom! She decided to let loose and go rainbow. A little color can never hurt; I'm not stopping her from doing what she wants.

One thing I usually do is place two beds next to each other to make a more appealing-looking double bed. The single bed never seemed fitting. In real life, I outgrew my twin-sized bed when I was like 11 or 10. HowlingW0lf made her bed a triple. Perhaps she likes getting centered, or maybe she just wants to live like a queen? :D

Well, that's it for today's tour. I will have to do more posts on Bluestrike soon! Don't expect to see the Japanese garden too soon, though. The second phase is a long one. I can assure you, though; it'll be worth it. If you are eager to see it, just bug me in the comment section. However, I am currently working on a Redstone ATM, and I have done some work at the Building Village. I haven't gotten any students, though. :(

Enough rambling after I've outlived my usefulness for now. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I am always happy to hear it! I recently enabled anonymous users in the comment, for your freedom of voice. Now, it'll be disabled if I see any spamming or other abuse, so you all be good. ;D

My gosh, I'm just the worst today. I'll see you all next post. Until then!


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