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Friday, November 1, 2013

Minecraft Halloween/Fall Traditions

Hello, I'm N8thanH, and welcome back to Across the Map!

Hope you all had a happy Halloween!

Today, I am going to show you the Fall/Halloween traditions I came up with on the Bluestrike server. So, let's get to it!


With decorating for the seasons, you can do as little or as much as you want! On Bluestrike, we decided to just put out some pumpkins here and there, and some cobwebs in the house. (They're sticky; they're icky; Authentic Mineshaft Cobwebs! Order now! Quantities are limited!)

These were sort of last minute, but I decided to put out some potted mushrooms around the village, and a black and orange carpet in Neptune inc., my shop.

Also, I put out a big pile of pumpkins in Bluesun Village to encourage players to put out some Halloween decorations. Also, it is more accessible than the pumpkin farm at the community garden. Bottom line: it is here to bring festivity to Bluesun Village, and it seems to be working. As you can tell, some players have helped themselves to some pumpkins and torches.

I even put out a chest of torches for convenience!

Creative Costumes, inside Minecraft!

Well, it would seem that the pumpkin head trend is back on. I guess it's monkey-see-monkey-do with the zombies and skeletons, and nobody said their undead brains were capable of creativity. Well, at least they try.

So, how about we all put them to shame, and make some awesome costumes!

There are a number of ways to do this. Method #1 is to craft a suit of leather armor, and experiment with using different dyes on the armor! That is what I did. I'm a candy corn! :D

To further aid players with being festive, Fire_Cat2000 and I decided to set up a costume stand outside the community center of Bluesun Village, called The Playful Pumpkin.

We keep several sets of armor I refurbished from skeleton drops from my grinder here, and some dyes for when it's time to fill out an order for someone. Oh, and there is also an Ender Chest underneath the counter.

If you are doing costumes on a creative mode world/server, you can also experiment with mob heads. Either way, I have also seen props come with costumes at costume shops on other servers, so you can also experiment with that.

Oh, and if you are playing on survival mode, don't forget to take off the costume before getting into combat! You wouldn't wanna wreck your costume!

I did mention there were more options than just dyed leather armor, right? Well, there are. I don't have an example of this, but, the second option is to make a variant of your skin file, and draw a costume onto it.

One tool I would recommend for this is an online tool called SkinCraft. Just search for it with your favorite search engine, and you should be able to find it. Just load your skin as a template, and draw onto it!

More Traditions!

Above are the more involved traditions, but there are 2 more that I'd like to mention.

First, I decided to start a pumpkin pie sharing tradition, where whenever we happen to be together in-game, we pass pumpkin pies to each other. This is just a small game, but I just wanted to share it to inspire you you guys, which is usually one of the main goals in my posts on Across the Map.

Now, last, but not least, Fire_Cat2000 and I had the idea to do trick-or treating in Minecraft. We haven't done it yet, but the plan is to have players take turns passing out treats, and going out to collect treats.

So, here is my little setup, complete with a treat chest, and a welcoming committee consisting of my pet wolf, Amber, and my Jack o'Lantern ;)

Oh, yes, and I will be passing out 2 cookies and a pumpkin pie to each player that stops by.

Well, that's all I have to share for today. As always, I encourage you to be creative, and go beyond what you see here, and once again, happy Halloween!

I'll see you all next post. Until then!


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